traffic but no conversions?

Traffic But No Conversion: Here is How You Can Solve The Issue

Do you wonder why your site fails to generate high AOV, at times, get any sales despite the traffic you receive on your website?

You are stressed - and we understand why - but like you, several other stores have traffic but no sales on Shopify. 

We have created a list of 4 to-dos to increase your sales on your site significantly. 

1. Take notice of the visitors coming to your store

First of all, keep a check on what visitors are doing in your store. That way, you will understand how they are interacting with your site.

Use Google Analytics to keep track of visitors and conversions. You can even set up conversion goals and see how your customers are meeting them. Without knowing what your visitors are experiencing, your store will have traffic but no sales on Shopify.

We recommend setting up Hotjar as well. It records the activities of your store visitors and makes a heatmap. A fantastic tool that can show where users had the highest interaction and where they dropped off. As a basic package, you can start off free and collect data for up to 2000 page views a month!
With the two tools in place, you will see customer drop off points and issues preventing them from conversion.

2. Enhance your store load time

High site load time for a site can be a big turn off point. Enough for new and old visitors to bounce before the site even loads. On average, you have 3 seconds to engage with a visitor and convert them. If your site takes 3 seconds or more to load, you would have probably already lost them. 

You can test your site speed from GTMetrix, a free tool that analyzes your page speed performance. Images are the heaviest to load on a site; you can set up LazyLoad - a flexible script to speed up site performance by deferring the loading of below-the-fold images, backgrounds and frames.

3. Build trust and maintain the image of your store 

You might have traffic but no sales on Shopify, and the primary reason can be that people do not trust your brand or the dropshipping store.

Your visitors could have interacted with your brand along their journey and might have felt that it is a scam. It can be either due to the branding you have or the type of ads you are running. And at times, it can be as simple as using too many colours.

There are a couple of ways to go around it. 

  1. Do a thorough competitor analysis - see what they have set up, and you have not. It can be an excellent way to get into the minds of your audience. We are not saying copy everything, however, try to get ideas on improving the user experience from your store.
  2. Show customer reviews - customer reviews influence 97% of shoppers. Displaying real and relevant product reviews on product descriptions and checkout pages can build trust in your store. 
  3. Adding the FAQ section - a simple step, but you can answer a lot of questions here. Customers do not spend time reading through policy pages. You can give away essential information like shipping details, return policy, and even talk about the quality of the product. The fewer visitors are confused about your store, the higher the chance they will make a purchase. 

4. Capturing and nurturing leads

If you have already worked on the steps above and are stuck in the loop of high traffic but no sales on Shopify, we recommend lead capturing. 

To capture leads, you need to set up a pop-up on your store. One of the best pop-ups for your Shopify store is MTL, with which you can engage and capture leads with smart, gamified & quiz pop-ups. 

Once you have captured them, you can begin nurturing them via emails. That way, your prospects will reconsider buying from your store. With time, they will start developing an affiliation with your brand, opting to return to your store more often. 

You can even use emails to send holiday discount offers and product launch campaigns. Probably, the best way to convert the incoming traffic into brand-loyal customers. 

There you have it, our 4 to-dos on dealing with the high traffic but no sales on Shopify. We hope you give them a shot and let us know how they worked out for you. If you do have suggestions, then please feel free to drop them in the comments section below.