5 Way Live Chat Can Makes Your Sites Experience Better
Customer support plays a vital role in building a sustainable customer base. It allows businesses to grow. Or in simple words, it’s the backbone of your business.
Have you ever came across a company’s website live chat support and experienced a poorly programmed chatbot that talks with you in circles?
What You Did Next?
Made An Instant Purchase?
Obviously not, it was clearly a frustrating experience for you.
You will look for a competitor, with more reliable customer service.
E-Commerce businesses that offer an amazing customer experience have a high conversion and retention rate. One clear example of utilizing this winning strategy is Amazon.
Amazon’s focus was to create a customer centric model in every way possible. In fact, from a survey taken in 2018 with regards to Black Friday sales, 30% of all purchases were returned or exchanged. But the stat to really focus on in this example is that 94% of consumers said they will purchase from the same company they just returned a product to, if they experienced good customer service.
However, although customer service extends to the entire cycle of a consumer's journey, we’re going to focus on the beginning of this journey, the live chat experience. Live chats generally serve a few different purposes, which we will outline.
Why You Use Live Chat As A Marketing Tool?
Here are five reasons live chat customer experience is winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the customers.
Increase convenience - It instantly connects customers with an agent. Help them get through the issue they might be facing. Many customers appreciate live chat as it helps them make the right buying decision.
Instant or real-time feedback - No more getting stuck long hours hold, live chats answer fast, so the user can get what they are after in no time.
- Cost-effective - Live chat tools are cheap to implement, and really a preferred channel for communication.
- Converts site visitors into leads - Live chat can help you track your website visitors and convert them into leads by triggering right and timely message.
- Build long term relationships - building a long term relationship is an undeniable necessity.
However, when the customer feels their voice is heard, they trust you more than anything. If you look at the stats, about 46% online customers prefer live chat over email and social media.
How To Deliver an Astonishingly Great Live Chat Experience
Here’s how you can deliver an astonishingly great live experience.
#1. Make Your Live Chat Visible For The Customers- Be Remembered for Service
Make your chat service available for your customers as the longer they will take to search for the support, the lower your chance of high-grade customer service experience.
There are hundreds of ways to make your chat visible for your audience. One can be by setting up automated and customized messages that engage your visitors. You can also use live chat as a greeting channel and greet your visitors based on their actions. For example, you can ask the first time visitor if they had any query, as shown in the image.
Another great example is, tell your returning visitor it is nice to have them back.
#2 - Provide 24/7 Active Service - Be Available When Consumers Need You
The moment your customer starts a chat with you, never ever let them wait for your answer. This will make them think as you have put them on hold. The main focus of having a chat is to communicate immediately.
I totally understand, one agent can communicate with few visitors at a time. On the other hand, you can also not overload your company with thousands of support agents. What you can do instead is bots.
While using bots, you have to work intelligently. If you look it chat, it seems broken.
On the other hand, chat like this leaves a positive impression of your company.
#3- Be Attentive & Listen To Your Customer - The Faster the Results, the Better the Experience
You can only deliver an awesome live chat customer experience when you pay attention to your clients problem, and only then, can you position your product as the right solution.
It is not as simple as it appears.
One common mistake that we all make is to provide our audience with a general solution. Imagine your customer is looking for a waterproof case for iPhone 8, where you present all waterproof cases. All they wanted to do is scream - Why the hell you are not listening?
While chatting, you must provide your customers with a more precise solution. Ask your customers questions, this would help you know their pain points, and it will be easier for you to come up with the best solution. So, you must concentrate on listening to your customers and better understand them, rather than presenting a solution as quickly as you can.
#4- Tell Customer if You Need Time To Research- Keep Them in the Loop
You might not always ready with all the solutions in some cases, you may need some time to complete your research. If you feel you came to cross a problem where you need expert advice, first let your customer know to wait for some time and then come back with the right solution.
If you keep your customer waiting for a long time without informing, the chat will end up like - your service sucks.
Customers are also humans, so try to be real and open to them. This will help you gain a fabulous live chat customer experience.
#5- Always End With A Positive Note- Lasting Impressions Make a Difference
All is well when the end is well. Always ask your customers if they are satisfied with the solution you have provided. At this point, you have to be very patient. This might be their first experience and are not familiar with the quality you deliver. So, listen to them with all patience.
In the end, don't forget to ask if there is anything they need assistance with. This will leave a positive impression of your on your customers.
Wrapping up:
For better or for worse, consumers love live chat technology. While most of us are not happy with the experience that companies bring, there is a huge opportunity to gain a competitive advantage for your business by providing first-rate live chat support.
To provide great customer experience, you need to be prepared for it and provide seamless service across multiple channels.
Being a support hero is not an easy task, but stay up to date with all our messages, improve your skills, and I'm sure everything will be fine.